Local Listing


Local Listing is an online portfolio that contains information about your business: your name, address, phone number, hours, map, logo, photos and social media links. Businesses with a Local Listing have better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and can be found on the internet by Google, other search engines and locals in your area

SKU: LLANNUAL Category: Tag:


Local Listing is an online portfolio that contains information about your business

The Benefits of a Local Listing:

  • Be found worldwide and by locals searching for your business type, services and products.
  • Join your local community.
  • Free Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  • Locals can review your business, products and services (optional).
  • No need for a full website saving time and money.
  • Drive traffic to your website.
  • Free marketing advice.
  • Receive discounts and offers on local products and services.

Click when ready to fill in the Local Listing Form

Business and marketing support
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