Local Listing Form

Local Listing Form: Your Business Found Via Google

List and promote: Interior Designers, Architects, Garden Centres, Beauty Salons, Dentists, Doctors, Restaurants, Pubs, Cafés, Estate Agents, Hairdressers, Dry Cleaners, Builders, Plumbers, Barbers, Products, Services… Promote Startups and Established Businesses.

With a Local Listing you increase your chances of being found via Google searches

You don’t need to answer every question or complete every field, just fill in the fields that are important to you. * We highly recommend you write your answers on a text document as a backup – Then copy/paste to the form. If forms are not your thing, send us an email: connect@keepthingslocal.com

Your Details

Enter your contact details.
Tell us about you. Please keep it below 300 characters.

Create Your Local Listing

Submit business information for your Local Listing.
Enter your business name and business sector. We will edit for SEO.
Write an overview of your business, products and services, If you need help with copywriting please get in touch.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please ensure the featured image dimensions are at least 1000px x 1000px and high quality. Landscape is preferred or cropping will occur. We may edit the image if required.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please ensure image dimensions are at least 1000px x 1000px and high quality.
Enter a web friendly and Google friendly summary of your business listing. We will edit this for SEO.
If you can't find your category leave this for now. We will add multiple categories accordingly.
Enter your daily opening times. If you are an online shop enter 24 hours.
Send additional information and ask questions.

Business and Marketing Support
