Life Coaching: Olivia Read

Life Coaching: Olivia Read

Life Coaching – Olivia Read

Top Tips to Lighten your load

‘Summer is here and change is in the air. It’s time for us to stop running around like headless chickens and to add a spring back to our step. Here are some top tips to lighten your load:

1. To-do list – Identify the chunky task on your to-do list that’s causing you the most angst and then block out a 1-2 hour slot in your diary when you can commit to tackling it. The time might be spent reviewing and researching what needs to be done but you’ll have made a start, rather than fearing it.

2. Environment – Have a full tidy up at work and at home, chucking or filing papers and going through your cupboards. Fill a bin liner with clothes and tat that can be taken to a charity shop. It’ll clear your mind and give you a boost.

3. Emotional – If there’s something bothering you, get it off your chest by talking to a friend. Sharing it will lighten your load, make you feel connected and less anxious.

4. Energy – Identify one thing that’s currently draining your energy – something within your control to change. What could you do to change it or remove it? Now think of something that you love, that boosts your energy. How could you incorporate more of it into your life?

‘I am a Coaching Academy accredited Life Coach. I have coached a wide range of brilliantly smart and inspiring clients, each with a unique story. Please get in touch if you would like me to help your life story.

Olivia Read Life Coaching
07714 280 486

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